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For over two hundred years the Lord’s people worshipping at The Old Baptist Chapel, Chippenham, have abundantly proved the Lord faithful to His sacred word.

During these years, under a succession of pastors and ministers, the truths which prompted the establishment of the church at Old Baptist Chapel have been proclaimed.

We meet every Lord's Day (Sunday), as well as during the week, and visitors are most welcome to all of our services. Our building is plain and our services are simple and reverent - the emphasis is on the ministry of God's Word. 


"We preach Christ crucified".

Please use this website to find out more about what we believe, about the history of the Chapel, to download sermons and to see the dates and times of services.

We look forward to welcoming you to our chapel.


"Return, we beseech Thee, O God of hosts: look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine"

(Psalm 80:14)

Chippenham Old Baptist Chapel - Chapel Lane - Chippenham - Wiltshire - SN15 3EX
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